Sunday, May 15, 2005

Skipping Pentecost

In the Lutheran church Pentecost Sunday (today) is often when people join the church. At the one we've been attending the Information Class finished a couple of weeks ago, but we've continued to meet with the pastor to talk through some Lutheran distinctives.

Until a month ago I didn't know that membership in a Lutheran church is by confession, not profession. What confessional membership means is that to join the church you have to agree with Luther's small catechism, not just profess faith in Christ.

We weren't able to affirm a few of their beliefs, but really appreciate the one-on-one time with the pastor. The Lutheran faith is an "alternate" interpretation of the Scriptures--more incompatible with Calvinism than I thought--but consistent in its own teachings.

So we were not among those who joined the church today, and although it was encouraging to see several Roman Catholics convert to Lutheranism today, we look forward to returning to a Reformed church at our next assignment.


Valerie (Kyriosity) said...

Hey, I mentioned you to Betsy today. And evidently you know Joyce Z, too, as well as the Garners from the same church. Small world. :-)

Tim said...

Hey...if we were moving to the Pentagon we would come to your church too!...probably ;-)