Thursday, May 05, 2005

What Day is it?

Lots of folks celebrated Cinco de Mayo today. Many Christians celebrated the National Day of Prayer. But this day the Church celebrates Ascension Day.

I don't want to make too much out of this, but the Christians I spoke with today that participated in the National Day of Prayer hadn't a clue about Ascension Day--and there's a reason why. It's the difference between a God-centered ministry and a man-centered one.

I'm not against the National Day of Prayer, I believe some good comes out of it, but its focus often seems to be "let's see if we can get Mr. [Muckety-Muck] Government Leader to support our event. This will show the liberals how much influence we wield!" If we realized the truth of Ascension Day, we'd have such a different perspective!

This Day we remember that our Lord has been raised to Heaven and is seated at the right hand of God Almighty, everything has been placed under his feet, he rules it all! We remember this Day that Christ is praying for us--so who cares if the Governor won't pray with us! We recall that Christ was raised in the flesh, the first fruits of the harvest to come, where we too will join Him, to be with Him in our glorified bodies forever!

Celebrate the real meaning of today!

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