Sunday, January 30, 2005

Learning from the Whole Church

Sinclair Ferguson lectured,

"if you are having trouble finding a good church fit, then, learn to be taught by the whole church of Jesus Christ. Learn that you belong to the church catholic. Learn that it is not only the teachers that are alive today that God has given to the church."

I add two more suggestions. Consider that Christians in most of the world have much poorer choices than you. Be patient, reformation is more likely to be enjoyed in your grandchildren's time than in yours.

I have a growing interest in Lutheranism and finally took the time to visit our neighborhood LCMS congregation. It was a good week to visit; the sermon aimed to explain the Lutheran view of communion to those outside of their circles.

In other Lutheran/Presbyterian news, I'm very excited to announce that Dr. Gene Edward Veith (of WORLD magazine, etc) will lecture at the OPC-sponsored Reformation Conference in March here in Dayton. His topic is "God at Work: The Reformation Doctrine of Vocation."

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Lutheran sacramentology is interesting but I can't abide the Lutheran law/gospel antithesis.