Tuesday, March 09, 2004

To my wife, on her birthday

You're not the kind to make a big deal out of your birthday. You don't want folks to "make much of you". Still, I expect you may have mixed feelings about your new age. 32--you've caught up with me again.

I'm not old enough for people to view me as wise and no longer young enough to be admired as youthful. It's easier to judge the growth of my bald spot than detect any progress in wisdom. I suspect you may also struggle to see the benefits that attend another birthday. As the one charged to tend to your maturity, there are a few things I'd like to point out.

You want the gospel more now than ever since I've known you. You are moved by the preached Word like never before; you have discovered sublime satisfaction in the Supper. You are bringing the gospel to bear in all areas of your life. To God be the glory.

You deny being a beautiful woman. But if beauty is a gentle and quiet spirit, you have no defense against my claim to the contrary. In fact, not only has beauty attended you all along, but each year it envelopes you more. To God be the praise.

The past year of your life has been more difficult than we anticipated. Being a stay-at-home mom is tough. Homeschooling young children while safeguarding a toddler is tougher still. Struggles with debilitating sickness, disrespect, disobedience, and doubts have worn you down. But wisdom says this is good. You please God more now than before, because you have been forced to rely more on His grace and not on your many strengths. You have always been intelligent and industrious, now you have been made wise. To God be thanks.

Celebrate your birthday for what He has done in your life. It's only going to get better!

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