Tuesday, March 23, 2004

The Power of Sympathy

Great encouragement came this morning by meditating on a remark in Hebrew 4:15 that Christ "sympathizes with our weaknesses". Calvin, and others, comment that weaknesses include the feelings of the soul, such as fear, sorrow, dread, and similar things.

Calvin adds:

"Whenever we labor under the infirmities of our flesh, let us remember that the Son of God experienced the same, in order that he might by his power raise us up, so that we may not be overwhelmed by them."

"These infirmities Christ of his own accord undertook, and he willingly contended with them, not only that he might attain a victory over them for us, but also that we may feel assured that he is present with us whenever we are tried by them."

In my weaknesses, Christ raises me up, attains victory over them for me, and is present with me through them! I rejoice to be under the care of one too tender to crush, too kind to injure, too powerful to leave me to wallow in my weaknesses.

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