Monday, February 16, 2004

Refusing the Milk

Reality Check: a majority of pastors in America can't stomach the milk of God's Word.

Here are the dismal statistics from Barna showing what small percentage of clergy hold basic orthodox beliefs (see WORLD, 7 Feb, pg 25):

44% of Pentecostal and Charismatic Clergy
27% of Methodist Clergy
35% of black pastors
15% of female pastors

If so many pastors reject basic Christian truth, it's no surprise that most American Christians are ignorant. What a sad state the American church is in.

How should the reformed church respond? One, praise God for keeping us faithful. Second, we should pick better targets. Instead of feuding amongst ourselves, why don't we aim our well-worn canons at the real wolves in shepherds' clothing? Where are the books, statements, etc specifically calling these groups to task and pleading for the lost sheep to come out from among them?

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