Sunday, February 29, 2004

Enjoying the Beauty of Two Books

I've heard that Puritans thought of creation and revelation as two books to know God by. The past two Sundays we've enjoyed both together. Two beauty-filled redemptive-historical sermons on Isaac and Rebekah combined with balmy afternoons at the sand-filled park across the street have been doubly-nice.

Even beauty contained in something as commonplace as pine trees is worth trying to capture in words. Pines here are about 4-stories tall. The bottom 3-stories are long branchless trunks, thin and straight as arrows. They are capped by a few scraggly branches. A close-knit group of pines will frightenly bend and sway in the wind like a wheat field ripe for harvest.

At night, our neighborhood is so dark that moonlight is only lightly screened through their thin layer of needles. I can almost read by it. Tonight there is a glowing half-moon. And every clear night, the star field is crisp and gleaming.

"Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge." Psalm 19:2

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