Sunday, March 18, 2007

Ear Gate Update

I spent another week in the Mojave desert last week. I was cut off from the Internet but kept my iPod charged and got through some notable audio material.

For those interested in a Forrest Gump view of the last 50 years or so of struggles to restore a faithful Presbyterian witness to the South, Mickey Schneider's lectures offer an insightful first-hand account.

If the recent movie Amazing Grace piqued a desire to know more about William Wilberforce, Ken Myers reads a definitive essay by John Pollock on how this man literally changed his times.

Converse with Scholars interviewed the editors of the recent reprint of three of John Owen's works, demonstrating that Owen is a physician of the soul that Christians should schedule an appointment with.

9Marks interviewed Joshua Harris on his ministry within the Sovereign Grace movement and explained why he should be read by more than 13 year old girls.

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