Friday, April 16, 2004

Out of Egypt

My favorite summation of the gospel was: God's sovereignty, Man's sinfulness, Christ's sufficiency. Nothing wrong with that, but I've been won over to the way my pastor preaches the gospel to believers, it goes something like this:

We're all born in Egypt, not the place, but the condition--in slavery to sin. God intervened and delivered us from that bondage and oppression. He's taking us to the Promised Land, which is the New Heavens and New Earth. But for now we're in the wilderness. It's a hard place. The temptation is to go back to Egypt, or to stay and gut it out here in the wilderness. But we're called to believe God's promises. He's proactively out for our good. He won't count our sins against us. He'll defeat all His and our enemies. He will finish the job.

No surprise that this pastor is most at home preaching from the "Older Testament", as he calls it. You can't swing a dead cat in there without hitting the gospel.

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