Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Scrutinizing Small Groups
(Note: Corrected on 29 Jul based on comments from reader)

Most of the churches in my past had small groups. Over the years, I've been part of many at home and at work. The last couple revealed a serious problem of the small group: seldom did anyone come with questions, but instead statements disguised as questions. There's a strong feeling of equality between the leader's (aka teacher) instruction and the rest of the group's (aka students) opinions. This kind of group really has no students, and so no one learns anything of value.

I noticed that small groups are being questioned within part of the reformed community. Ligonier's Tape of the Month includes balanced remarks by R.C. Sproul using James 3:1 to warn that not many should presume to be teachers; his words were aimed right at small groups. The Highlands Study Center site links to an article that is more strongly opposed to them. Small groups need to beware of James 3:1.

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