Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Plastic Jesus

We cubicle-dwellers tend to decorate our cubes like college kids adorn their dorm rooms. Cube-decor presents a desired image to the watching world. Most people go for a mix of levity (Dilbert, cheap toys, etc), family (children's photos) and success (award plaques and the like). But, a lot of people also add a religious touch. For instance, the guy down the hall has a "Jesus loves you" screen-saver.

When my cube was in San Antonio, the religious knick-knacks we're mostly of the Catholic variety; statuettes of saints and the Virgin Mary were the standard. Here in the cubes of the Bible Belt, Jesus is nearly omnipresent. But more than just the smile on these images is plastic. The religion in this region brings God down to more "useful" level. Many love God just for His gifts; and nothing keeps them from these gifts except Satan and their wavering faith. Their view of man is too high, too deserving of blessing. Regrettably, this seems to be the dominant strain in the "black churches" in this area. Sadly, the typical faith of the local white folk never goes beyond a Vacation Bible School level of knowledge concerning God. There's no desire to know God more, and therefore no real desire or delight in God.

What is my role in a region saturated with "gospel-lite"? Is it that of prophet; facing persecution from God's people for calling them back to a deeper understanding of God and themselves?

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