Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Pride and Prejudice

Each year at Valentines we set aside a few evenings to enjoy the BBC production of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. First, the disclaimer. This is no girly book or girly movie, although it is a favorite of the girls in my family. As a matter of fact, one of Austen's purposes is to point out the folly of mushy, sentimentality in relationships. Through fascinating characters, some witty, some terribly silly, Austen effectively illustrates the basis for good and poor marriages. This movie (the BBC production!), or better yet, the novel, is a useful tool for teaching singles about marriage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Andy and I love that movie. Last Valentine's Day we tried to get through the whole movie the same night. We didn't quite make it, but we had fun trying.