Thursday, August 17, 2006

Fighting over the remote control

I'm working in Wichita, Kansas all week.

When I'm at home my family responsibilities keep TV and movies almost entirely out of my life. But when I'm on the road I have more free time and I find that entertainment is still a strong distraction.

I planned to use my free time during this trip to keep up with my Bible study plan and finish a book I brought. But it's been a hard struggle to keep the TV set off.

What joy I've had the last two nights when I've succeeded! Both those times of private worship were much more satisfying than anything the TV could have offered. I also am glad that I used the time to lift up friends in need through prayer rather than amuse myself flipping channels.

A verse that Kristin and I recently learned has been helpful, "I will set before my eyes nothing that is worthless." (Psalm 101:3)

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