Tuesday, July 25, 2006

When momma is happy [in Jesus], everyone's happy

If somehow my whole world was transfigured into that mythical land of Narnia, right about now I would be the one saying, "Aslan is on the move."

What a joy to see my wife grow in her love for Jesus. It delights this husbandman's heart to hear her urging me and the children to go on short-term mission. And she loves the church, often caring for the children of others so their parents can be refreshed. I am so grateful for her weekly meetings with a couple other ladies from church (who are also our neighbors) and their desire to become that virtuous woman whom God highly esteems.

She is my helper in salvation; she stirs me up to faith, love, and good works. She warns and helps me against sin and all temptations. She joins in God's worship in the family. She comforts me in the hopes of life eternal.

"May you rejoice in the wife of your youth." Proverbs 5:18

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