Saturday, April 08, 2006

O Happy, Happy Day--the Vernal Equinox Approaches!

The government schools around here have next Friday off. The school sign gives the reason for the day-off, but it doesn't say "Good Friday." And it seems that naming "Easter" has become too risky these days. (Of course Resurrection Day is plainly out). No, the school signs along the road announce that this day off is to celebrate "Vernal Holiday." Again I suffer the consequences of a sheltered childhood, I ashamedly admit my ignorance of such an important holiday.

A quick wikipedia serach reveals this is not the purely secular term that I suppose the school board was hoping for. According to the ancient Persian (remember our friend Iran?) mythology this holiday recalls the myth of creation and the ancient cosmology of Iranian and Persian people.

Also, the vernal equinox is the most significant day in the pagan calendar, and some pagans spend the day praying to the goddess of cats, Bast. Not to be left out, the Wiccan Sabbat of Ostara (or Eostar) is also celebrated on this day.

So remember that when you see children out of school this Friday that it's not because their families are thinking of Christ's death and resurrection, but (wink, wink), it's Happy Vernal Day!

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