Monday, April 10, 2006


These have been joyless days. Dawn to dusk spent correcting children stuck in a cycle of behavior that is either mean or foolish. Ending the day exhausted and guilt-ridden knowing I exasperated my oldest son again. Haunted by the law, I will reap in him what I sow. Nights with a fussy baby. Ambiguous expectations at work. My cup runs over with frustration, and it spills all over my wife.

The grass looks greener everywhere else. Maybe a life of ease really is the good life? But I am reminded--the will of God is to sanctify me, and seldom is that done through times of ease. I am to focus on God's mercy and not the afflictions.

Full-bodied forgiveness. Faith falling asleep in my arms. A sermon last Sunday so Christ-full, it brought tears. 3-on-1 wrestling matches on the carpet with my children. A selfless wife. This is the good life. Simple, free, purposeful.

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