Thursday, May 15, 2003

Why Bother? Many Christians have this attitude when trying to decide which position is correct on issues like the Doctrines of Grace, Baptism, etc. They think, "If the brightest Christian scholars couldn't agree which is the right position after hundreds of years of argument, why should I try?" And so they don't. And they're suspicious of anyone who tries to teach a certain position; convinced that this nobody couldn't possibly have figured it out when all the somebodys in the Church are still divided.

The problem is that if you ignore all the debates in the Church, you've got little left to believe in. Everything is being debated by people more studied than you are; the Lordship of Christ, what is the gospel, what is a Christian, etc. By choosing to ignore all the issues you box yourself in, unable to grow at all.

Christians must "watch their life and doctrine closely"; this means there's hard work to be done. We must apply ourselves to the Scriptures and evaluate the teachings of men. The reason scholars argue is because these things are important for your life. You will grow as you wrestle. Determine where you stand today on the issues. Ensure the foundation of your conscience is consistent with Scripture. Stand firm where you are, but be willing to admit error and to step to the next level when warranted.

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