Monday, May 05, 2003

I developed a new conviction over the weekend--I'm anti-pine. A strong storm cell passed through Friday night, cancelling T-ball for Saturday, and raining down a B-52's worth of pine tree parts and pieces. The oaks and dogwoods in our yard held their own, but the pines seem to enjoy randomly distributing their prickly cones and limbs everywhere at the slightest whiff.

God is also bringing some clarity to our church decision. Sunday found us back at the Reformed Baptist church, where the senior pastor is said to affirm the New Covenant movement. Besides the bapstimal issues I'm already wrestling with, we'll also differ in views of the Lord's Supper and the Sabbath. This may partially explain why the church doesn't take Lord's Supper during the regular worship service, but only once a month during an evening service. Kristin and I discussed last night how most Christians don't worry about these kind of differences so long as you like the people (which we do), but I have to affirm that beliefs have consequences. And I want to join a church unreservedly, one that won't feed my super-human ability to be contrary during corporate worship. To this end, we've added our name to the Family-Integrated Church list as a "seeker" in this area. I doubt anything will come of it, but we'll see.

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