Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Sting of Little Things

Why is it that little things can hurt so much? My pastor's wife says she has no trouble believing that major trials in life are from God and for her good, but little pains and everyday vexations really get her down. She's right.

Today our little thing is neighbor issues. One neighbor called and said that their children can't go with us to church anymore because they don't want their children learning the catechism. My children are hurt by this the most; they loved having friends at church with them on Wednesday nights. It also makes Kristin and I feel like cultists.

Another neighbor quit homeschooling today and backed out of a minor commitment to us. I don't know why this bugs us. I guess in someway the homeschooling families of my neighorhood are interconnected, and when one leaves the path that we've also chosen, we're tempted to question anew whether we're doing the right thing in homeschooling.

I rest in this: "This I know, God is for me." (Psalm 56:9)

1 comment:

Patrick and Jasmine said...

I agree. The complex issues in our lives seem so much easier to hand over to the Lord. I think I fault in thinking that the little things are things I can control.
Thanks for your ever inspiring spiritual thoughts and biblical wisdom.
We too are considering home schooling as our Kristin is aproaching 4 in May. I have felt convicted to homeschool for a long time now. The last 2 months I have been finding peace and even joy in looking forward to the hard work of home schooling.
Take care and hug the 4 little ones for us, Say hi to your Kristin as well!