Wednesday, February 15, 2006

If it Sounds like a Duck, then...

I had another meeting this week with my co-worker who is a Mormon. He is interested in knowing why I will not consider Mormonism part of the Christian faith. I identified the essential doctrines of the Christian faith and used examples from Mormon doctrine that show that they reject the correct understanding of the Trinity--in other words they deny the true God.

To obfuscate their position the LDS plays word games, very similar to how modernists have treated the Christian faith since the 19th century. For instance, the LDS uses the term Trinity but gives it a very different meaning. Instead of "one God existing in three eternal persons", they define it as "an office held by three distinct Beings who are one in purpose and intent, perfectly united to comprise one Godhead."

My friend could see the difference but considered it only semantics. I argued that it was not semantic since this is an essential doctrine of the faith, and that to reject a correct understanding of Trinity could make one guilty of idolatry and blasphemy.

The question I left him with is whether the Mormon faith is polytheistic, even though it claims not to be. I don't believe the LDS would ever admit to being polytheistic, but it sure sounds to me like they are.

Thankfully, this was a civil discussion and we are to continue talking.

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