Saturday, July 03, 2004

Look What We Got...

With the move out of the apartment and into our rental house, we're up to 11 address changes in 10 years. This may explain why when asked for our mailing address or phone number, we pause a little too long before replying with shaky confidence.

So far the unpacking is going well, thanks in large part to the loving service of the church we've been visiting. They've kept children for several hours, prepared several delicious meals, and helped rearrange several pieces of furniture.

We've also met two homeschooling neighbors--a great praise. Oddly enough, since moving into our house (2 days ago), four people have invited us to a church. I might have thought I was back in the Bible belt, except that none of the invites were to Baptist churches...

Back to unboxing...


Kelly said...

I can't remember Mike's work phone number any more, and I still pause and think when asked my home phone or address. I DO know Mike's Social Security number, though! I could recite that one in my sleep. :-)


Tim said...


My wife's the same way--she can remember my SSN faster than me.

You may also relate to this...I re-enrolled for Tricare Prime the first day here, and we find out yesterday that they lost the application and it'll be 5-6 weeks before my family can be seen on base. Nice, huh...

Kelly said...

I believe it. The very day we moved here, John had an accident and had to get stitches in his forehead. Talk about trouble! Since we were technically still between bases when it happened we were not enrolled at all!

How long have you been in? Did you come in before Tri-Care, or is that blasted system the only one you've ever known?


Tim said...


It'll be 11 years next month. I think that's around the same time Tri-Care started. I do remember CHAMPUS somewhat--from the perspective of a dependent (I'm an army brat).

Funny thing happened today. The Tri-Care office, who two days ago said we hadn't enrolled, now found our paperwork and so we can be seen on base. Praise God, but not these folks!