Sunday, January 14, 2007

Updated: Faith comes by hearing

My last post detailed my plan to listen better to the preached Word. Today, I was holding a squirmy (but nicely quiet) daughter throughout the sermon (on Colossians 1:16) but I was able to jot down at least partial answers to the questions.

What was the opening sentence? "Beloved, it is all about Jesus Christ."

What was the pastor's introduction about? (I didn't listen too well to this part due to squirmy Faith). Everywhere you turn you can see the handiwork of Jesus. Christ is pre-eminent. I think the pastor also made a reference to the heathen religions of the day.

What was the structure of the sermon? Since it's been a few weeks since Pastor Steele preached in Colossians, he began with a review of Col 1:15 and then gave 5 reasons why these matters are true. He also emphasized the covenantal, mediatorial, and doxological aspects to Christ's role in creation.

The main point? Christ has first place in everything, which includes his pre-eminence over Creation. His glory is the purpose for which all creation exists.

How did he deal thoroughly with the text? This was a strong area of the sermon. He pointed out the emphasis items such as "all things" appearing 4 times in the text along with an all-inclusive list of categories that Christ has pre-eminence in (e.g. things visible and invisible, etc). He also explained the different roles of the Trinity regarding the Creation work and how Christ's was pre-eminent. I especially liked the explanation of the mediatorial aspect of Christ's supremacy in Creation and how the Father "stepped-aside" and showcased the honor of the Son. But my favorite part were these phrases (repeated for effect): "Jesus is the Master all creation serves. All creation serves his glory. His glory is the purpose for which all creation exists. His honor is the objective of the created order."

What aspects of the pastor's style was helpful? There were a few illustrations, my favorite was the story from his childhood farm-life and how his dad would often give him undeserved credit for work that really his father did. He compared and contrasted this to the Father and Son's glory in Creation.

What was the application? "You live and breathe for the exaltation of Jesus Christ. But is that your personal, conscience worldview? Do you know a sense of honoring Christ in your life? We, too, were created for Christ. It is an honor and glory to Jesus for us to live for him." We are to do this in each sphere of our life (e.g. Sabbath worship, family, work).

What was the last sentence of the sermon? "You were created for Christ."

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