At the end of each year I post the books that I read.
The Democratization of American Christianity; Nathan Hatch
What Are People For; Wendell Berry
Pilgrim's Progress; John Bunyan (a yearly read)
The Name; Franklin Graham (a new Christian asked me to read it)
Meeting God Behind Enemy Lines (a co-worker asked me to read it)
The Church; Edmund Clowney
Help for Distressed Parents; Cotton Mather
A Well-Ordered Family; Cotton Mather
A Quest for Godliness; J.I. Packer
The Family; John MacArthur
Biblical Eldership; Alexander Strauch
A Simple Way to Pray; Parrish, Martin Luther
Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book 1; John Calvin
Your Family, God's Way; Wayne Mack
Letters to Ellen; Gilbert Meilander (about Christian ethics)
Slave Religion; Albert Rabeteau
Plus 4 or so historical novels that I read to Eli as part of his history curriculum. This served as my fiction reading for the year and was enjoyable.
I'm not satisfied with the amount and scope of reading I do and try to supplement with other ways. I found a good resource for preparing to teach, Justin Taylor's
blog a constant source of helpful information, and
The Way of the Master radio program an entertaining stimulant to evangelize.