Saturday, June 11, 2005

Adoption Update

The adoption process is ripe with perplexing decisions that keep you in prayer and Proverbs. Readers of this blog have seen us wrestle with race and health already. Every adoption opportunity comes with a unique set of risks and consequences.

Should we celebrate over the news that after many months of trying we have been matched with a bi-racial girl due in November? This is wonderful news for us -- a birthmother likes us! She likes us!! -- but we aren't popping open the wine bottle just yet.

This is a private adoption, not through an adoption agency but a lawyer, which means that we pay monthly support to the birthmother throughout the pregnancy. If she surprises the lawyer and us by deciding to parent then we would loose a significant amount of money.

After several hour-long conversations with the Bados--a Christian husband and wife adoption law firm in Oklahoma City recommended by Special Link--we have decided to go through with this risky venture. We plan to visit with them and the birthmother in OKC during our move out West in a couple of weeks.


Valerie (Kyriosity) said...

Will pray that there is no cause to regret the risk.

Tim said...

Thanks! We appreciate your support in this adventure.

Heather said...

Praying also! We are 2 hours south of OKC. If you need anything, just holler.

Tim said...

We are worried about this adoption falling through. The risk of her backing out after we've supported her financially throughout the pregnancy is a real possibility.

But on the plus side, we will know more about our baby's birthmother than do most adoptive parents. In many "post-birth" matches the adoptive parents don't know about the birthmother's drug and alcohol use during pregnancy. In our "pre-birth" match we should have better info.

Anyways, if she backs out and we lose several thousand dollars, I'll just consider this "my boat" because I won't be able to waste money on some pricey boy-toy if I ever have one of those mid-life crisis thingies.