Saturday, January 24, 2004

Working for Uncle Laban

The most commonly voiced ailment among men I know is doubt about their career choice. Some friends are chasing contentment by repeatedly changing careers. Others though remind me of Jacob. They continue in their toil for 'Uncle Laban' because he offers them 'Rachel'. Contentment will be realized, they believe, when they receive Laban's promise.

At a young age I entered into an agreement with a similiar uncle. The 'Rachel' of his deal was leadership and an exciting lifestyle. Other men choose different uncles to find the Rachel of their ambitions. But we share this in common. When we reach the point in our career where we expect to have Rachel but instead receive Leah, we wonder whether we picked the wrong uncle. We question whether we should quit this uncle's service. Most of us don't. Since our obligation for Rachel remains partly paid, and usually our wages are changed in a way we like, many of us settle for Leah now while still hoping for Rachel later.

After reading Back to Basics I've realized my Uncle Laban has no Rachel to offer. And what pseudo-contentment he does offer, I don't need. Rather, my vocation is a vehicle to serve God in a priestly and kingly role and everyday. I am to proclaim His excellencies (priestly function) and reign upon the earth to His glory (kingly function). I am to do all things in an excellent manner unto the Lord. And in doing this I find the leadership and lifestyle that I originally longed for.

If you're about to decide on a career or you're re-thinking the one you have now, my advice to you is don't let the decision consume you. If you are in a lawful vocation, able to proclaim God's excellencies and do your work in an excellent manner, be content with what you have.

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