Friday, January 30, 2004

Sibling Rivalry

Our two oldest children, 6 and 4, seem to have gotten over a long-running, bad case of sibling rivalry. They still have flare-ups, but more often now it's just general buffoonery between them. We prefer this to quarrelling, but Miss Manners would find our table behavior lacking.

Wouldn't it be great if the sibling rivalry between reformed leaders would also run out of wind? I found R.C. Sproul Jr.'s squib largely refreshing. But not enough reformed leaders have swallowed this medicine. I listened to the public debate today between Doug Wilson and his secular opponents in Moscow, Idaho and was saddened to hear that one reformed leader had published an article against Doug Wilson in the town's newspaper prior to the debate. That article was used by the secularists to further discredit Christ Church and Christian schools in general. I've loosely followed the blows exchanged between these reformed leaders, and know that matters remain unresolved. But publishing a hit piece in the city newspaper seems just plain spiteful.

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