Monday, January 19, 2004

Random Thoughts on Leading a Family

Ways I've tried to teach my young children the faith:

During bathtime (which is after family worship), I take advantage of the captive audience and go more in depth in explaining the parts of the Creed and other memory work. This not only allows Family Worship to progress with the whole family in mind, but also ensures my children understand what they're saying.

Another crazy idea for young children is the candy game. It's pretty simple, for every catechism question answered correctly they get an M&M or something. I've also seen the catechism incorporated into freeze-tag.

Ways I've tried to disciple my wife:

One of her biggest needs is an occassional get-away break. I call this giving her a sabbatical. A night and a day in a nice hotel or a B&B where she can catch up on crafts, a new book, etc, goes a long way towards rejuvenation. Also, one night away from the children is enough to remind you how special this time of their life is.

When she goes for a lengthy drive by herself (to a women's meeting, etc), I give her a good message on CD to listen to on the way. I try to ensure she hears the best of all the stuff that I've been listening to.

Last year we read the Bible through on the same plan. This year, I've decided that we'll follow Tabletalk's study of Hebrews but add Calvin's commentary and a weekly Heidelberg catechism question and memory verse.

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