Monday, April 21, 2003

The hill, Difficulty. The fog and friction of the move to Georgia is starting to clear a little; I can look around at the hill that we Baileys are climbing. I've had a deep fear building within for sometime now that we are failing at raising godly seed. Our stated desire is to serve the Lord with gladness as we raise our children. But we lack consistency, and see little evidence in our children of any godly heritage. And at the end of the day what little Spirit-fruit I find exercised in my life. My wife, who also seems to feel the same, has a repentant heart and through our prayer-time together I too start to feel the need for more and more genuine confession and dependence.

I'm reminded of Russell Kelfer's statement, roughly, "We want change overnight. But God is not in the business of selling canned fruit. He grows trees."

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