Thursday, April 06, 2006

You, too, could be God

I had another lunch with my Mormon co-worker, Mark; we only have a little more than a month before he is reassigned to a different base, so I'm glad to have these opportunities to speak with him.

There is humor in our situation. Both Mark and I believe that only the Holy Spirit can cause the other fellow to change sides, neither of us seem willing to abandon hope for a conversion, and we're both trying to be good ambassadors for our respective God. But so far there is no indication of a defection either way. Instead we each present arguments for our position that we expect to clinch the dispute, only to find the other side nonplussed.

Mark thinks that I should find it very appealing that I too could be fully God someday, and that even now I could be part of a "primitive" church with prophets and Apostles receiving direct revelation from a God who still has things to say to His people.

I, on the other hand, think Mark should lose sleep over his low view of God, his insulting assertion that the Holy Spirit didn't speaking clearly enough for the Bible to be reliable, and the strong possibility that Joseph Smith and his followers have been deceived by Satan's masquerades as an angel of light.

Surprisingly our discussions are irenic, and I still pray to be faithful at planting gospel seeds in his life. We meet again next week to discuss the process Mormons use to canonize "continued revelation".


LaughterThoughts said...

Have you used any of the reference material from this website? They have the really good videos (The Bible vs. The Book of Mormon) that are also available to view online. Maybe your friend would be willing to watch one. What’s really neat about the video is that most of those interviewed were either secular or LDS so there wouldn’t be a Christian “bias.” If you haven’t before, you might want to check it out:

Edie Guess said...

Tim, Laughterthoughts is my sister-in-law.

Tim said...

Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.