Sunday, October 28, 2007

30-second book review

Why God sent me to read the great books in our church's library that have never been checked out?

The Bruised Reed is one of the absolute best writings of the puritans. It's short (~125 pages) and in it Jesus will appear lovely to the reader's eye.

The book is a meditation on Isaiah 42 about the bruised reed and the faintly burning wick. These are metaphors for the Christian who feels some misery from sin, and he is humbled to see that he is not an oak but a reed. It is then that we realize, "there is more mercy in Christ, than sin in us."

Sibbes, like the best of the puritans, excels in writing. This book will swell your love for Jesus and fortify you with profound wisdom. It's available for check-out in the church library.


boqpod said...

Hey! I don't recall you handing me a "library card" when we became members! Will my driver's license do? :)

Tim said...

You can check out books from the library so long as after you finish reading it you put your writing skills to work and blog about the book in a way that makes others want to read more of the good stuff!