Thursday, June 22, 2006

An Anxious Moment

I can be a nervous person. Certain events have a way of consuming my thoughts, and tomorrow contains one of those events. I shouldn't be anxious, I've prepared as best I can, and if I told you what the event was you'd think I'm being pedantic.

Nonetheless, adrenaline has been flowing for most of today and is likely to worsen as I draw closer to the event tomorrow morning. It's times like this when I have the hardest time believing God. The best I can do is to repeat to myself over and over promises like this,

The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. (Psa 138:8)


Anonymous said...

Joe and I will pray for you, Tim.

Tim said...

Thanks Joe and Melene! The event turned out great!