Friday, September 12, 2003


There are lots of things I naturally respond to negatively without really knowing why. Two stand out this week.

In my workplace a flyer advertising "Golf for Jesus" has been posted by a local Baptist church. For $45 and a day on the links you can support missions. I quickly eschew this as improper means to reach a good end. The fact that it takes the incentive of a round of golf for us to support the spread of the gospel shows how self-centered the modern evangelical is. But last night reading the website of one of my ministry darlings I see they're
sponsoring a sea cruise, which is undoubtedly a means to raise money for the ministry. I don't feel so bad about that because I like this group, but what's the difference between their cruise-ship and the Baptists' countryclub?

Second, I read of the decision to keep a chain of Christian bookstores open on Sundays. I think ha! this is not out of necessity or mercy so my indignation is justified. But then I remember that I like to eat out after church on Sundays, and these restuarants aren't open as acts of mercy or necessity, but I don't feel wrong supporting their decision.

Like others, I'm too quick to condemn others and too quick to justify myself. I still think golfing for Jesus and Sunday business hours are inconsistent with Christian convictions, but before lashing out, I better know why and live by it myself.

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